The Art of Inclusion #3

The Art of Inclusion #3
Title: "The Art of Inclusion #3"
Materials: commercial cottons, synthetic fabrics, sheer fabrics, hand-dyed cotton, inkjet printed cotton, laminated imagery and text, metal eyelets, jump rings, fabric paint, beads, found objects, fake leaves, embroidery floss, buttons, heat transfer foil, polished stones, prong settings, fabric pen
Dimensions: 15" by 15"
Date: 2012

Click on thumbnails below to view larger versions on Flickr. 

The Art of Inclusion #2

The Art of Inclusion #2
Title: "The Art of Inclusion #2"
Materials: commercial cottons and synthetic fabrics, inkjet printed cotton, fabric paint, laminated imagery, metal eyelets, plywood, beads, Shrinky Dinks, found embroidery, embroidery floss, Swarovski Crystals, polished stones, prong settings, yarn
Dimensions: 15" by 15"
Date: 2012

Click on thumbnails below to view larger versions on Flickr.
quilt-art-of-inclusion002.4 quilt-art-of-inclusion002.3 quilt-art-of-inclusion002.2

Map of Regional Attractions #3

Title: "Map of Regional Attractions #3"
Materials: cottons & synthetic fabrics, tulle, lace, inkjet printed cotton, oil paint stick, laminated imagery, perle cotton, Swarovski crystals, press-on sequins
Dimensions: 20.5" by 14.75"
Date: 2012

Click on thumbnails below to view larger versions on Flickr.
quilt-map-of-regional-attractions3.2 quilt-map-of-regional-attractions3.3 quilt-map-of-regional-attractions3.4