Fictional Animal: Mysterious Dragon Slug
Title: "Fictional Animal: Mysterious Dragon Slug"
Materials: upholstery fabric, velvet, hand-dyed cotton, various commercial fabrics, laminated imagery, beads, buttons, embroidery floss, hand-cast resin
Dimensions: 9"w by 9.5"h
This quilt is now in a private collection.
Vital Patterns (Talisman Quilt #7)
Title: "Vital Patterns (Talisman Quilt #7)"
Materials: various commercial fabrics, upholstery fabric, hand-dyed cotton, laminated imagery, fake leaves, found objects, beads, oil paint stick, perle cotton, metallic yarn
Dimensions: 13" Diameter
Date: 2013
An Alchemy of Spaces, Empty and Full (Talisman Quilt #8)
Title: "An Alchemy of Spaces, Empty and Full (Talisman Quilt #8)"
Materials: various commercial fabrics, upholstery fabric, hand-dyed cotton, inkjet printed cotton, glass vessels, metal jewelry findings, acrylic hemispheres, Swarovski crystals, metal prong settings, crystal cup chain, Shrinky Dinks, beads, yarn, fabric pen
Dimensions: 13" Diameter
Date: 2013