Title: I Had a Dream Like That Once Materials: brocade, sheer fabric, commercial cotton, inkjet printed cotton, laminated images, iron on foil, watercolor paint, plastic leaves, embroidery floss, permanent marker Dimensions: 10" by 10" Date: 2012
Title: Some of My Favorite Lines Materials: fabric, laminated images, confetti, plywood, inkjet, acrylic paint, fabric transfer crayon Dimensions: 13" by 9.5" Date: 2012
Title: Art of Inclusion: Topography, Stars & Scales
Materials: various fabrics, acrylic paint, pencil, embroidery floss, yarn, shrink plastic, laminated images
Dimensions: 9.5" by 13"
Date: 2012
This quilt is now in a private collection.
I make art quilts out of just about anything I can get my hands on. I have a goal of not letting anything be left behind, whether it's a sketch, a photo, a random thing I found on the sidewalk, or a scrap of fabric from the trash at work.