Poem, via Exquisite Corpse Method

Title: 'Poem, via Exquisite Corpse Method'
Media: Digital photograph
Date: July 25, 2007

My take on Illustration Friday's theme for the week of July 20, 'Poem,' which I thought would be fun to illustrate using the idea of pulling random words and phrases from a box and gluing them down pretty much as they came out to make a poem.

Personal Discovery

Title: 'Personal Discovery'
Media: Digital photograph, Photoshop-y tweaking
Dimensions: Variable
Date: July 18, 2007

This charming clay figure is my response to Illustration Friday's theme for the week of July 13, 'Discovery' - our bodies are always such a delightful mystery, both inside and out. What a discovery to make, eh!

"Geeky" theme from Illustration Friday

Title: Geeky!
Media: velvet, inkjet printable fabric, inkjet prints on paper, sheer fabric, holographic paper, laminate
Dimensions: 10 by 11 inches
Date: July 2007
My creation for Illustration Friday's theme of the week of July 6-13, 2007. How awesome (and appropriate) is it that the week I discover Illustration Friday, their theme is "Geeky"!

Julio the Wrestler, from "Sculpted Portraits" series

Photograph taken with Nikon D80 Digital SLR
July 2007
From "Sculpted Portraits" series

I've been making very small sculptures of faces out of air-dry clay and then photographing them against various backgrounds, and experimenting with various types of lighting. This image was created by covering my air-dry clay guy with glitter and gold leaf, giving him features found in trashy magazines or old art catalogs, and then photographing him on the table in my living room. I believe I used the built-in flash on my camera for this one.

Sculpted Portraits

Click on a thumbnail below to view a larger image with description.

Image from "Sculpted Portraits" series

Photograph, taken with Nikon D80 Digital SLR
July 2007
From "Sculpted Portraits" series

I've been making very small sculptures of faces out of air-dry clay and then photographing them against various backgrounds, and experimenting with various types of lighting. This is just the ambient light from my window, at 8pm in July in New York, and the sculpted face is lying on his background on my table, with the light coming from "underneath" him, that is, his head is pointed away from the window. Gives him kind of a haunted look.